"The Spectator" Crossword No. 2 9
[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the jirst correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be °pelted. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes be opened before noon on Tuesday. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue.]
i. The beginning of this maze nearly gives. you- a man of Truth.
6. Alleged characteristic of the Yankee voice.
9. In The Merchant of Venice.
10. In Princess Ida.
11 (rev.). Nobody was Bun- thorne'S. • - - 12. ignelosai 15. Norse epic.
16. Bet.'
17. Part of the 1-repiarchy. 19. This diet is nearly a lot of soldiers:-
21.1Sir Henry Lytton's sue- 23. f eessor. 25. Nelsonian battle.
27. " ' They hammered out my basset point Into a round salade,' he said. The boa. net is quite out of joint, the salade rasps my head.' " (Morris.)
30. Mixed stone.
32. Low repute (two words).
33. A girls' school. • 34. Was Ann the slow musical daughter of this epic poet ?
35. Rand, cents (anag.).
DOWN 1. N.C.O. when followed by a kind of punishment. 2. Noisy part of London,, re- publican when.divided.
3. A vulgar noise of dis- approval.
' 4. Approached. • 5. Excrescences.
6. Wat.
7. Can rise (anag.).
8. The proper place for pat- ball (two words).
13. Perhaps, copies of a defunct Liberal contemporary. • 14. English historian.
16. Division of the human race, in which the first part is not always the last part.
18. Gives rise to.
20 (rev.). The only place where
• ',people are eager to be hung. 22. The story of this Reefer has been attributed to Marryat. 24. Utmost.
26. Italian peninsula.
28. Escape.
29. Undergraduate's passport. 31. Assembly of a sort.