23 JUNE 1939, Page 18

In the Garden Many theories are produced by both professionals

and amateurs on the subject of colour schemes for the herbaceous border; but in almost all the emphasis is laid on the big plants, while the edging plants are dismissed perfunctorily. The front is as important as the back or middle. In one border that pleased my eyes I took a census of the edging plants. They included lungwort, thrift (in two colours), carnations of many forms and colours, heuchera (in two colours), London pride, catmint, viola gracilis, yellow alyssum, dwarf Michaelmas daisies, saxifrage, aubrietia, primula, senecio rotundifolia, veronica rupestris, hare's-ear (or lamb's- lug). Of these, heuchera and catmint are generally acknow- ledged to be a singularly pleasing combination, and they associate agreeably with viola gracilis. The hare's-ear and groundsel give, with the border carnations, plenty of grey leaf; and by the same token senecio grayi is valuable in the back of the border. Variety is interesting on its own account, and not less interesting at the verge than elsewhere. More than this, the border remains bright for many months. Such common spring flowers as alyssum and aubrietia flower a