Telephone Rentals Among The Numerous Company Chairmen Who...
signs of industrial recovery this year must be counted Mr. Fred T. Jackson, chairman of Telephcne Rentals, who reported to the shareholders on Monday that trade was now......
Orross. Bank's Progress Notwithstanding Exchange...
countries in which the Ottoman Bank operates and political disturbances in some of them, General Sir Herbert A. Lawrence was able to find plenty of ground for optimism in his......
Southern Rhodesia's Progress
Colonel H. T. Fenwick spoke with considerable confidence of the prospects of Southern Rhodesia when he addressed the shareholders of Willoughby's Consolidated on Monday. The......
Siamese Tin Syndicate
Although the Siamese Tin Syndicate, like other tin-mining companies, has earned a smaller profit for 1938 than for 1937, Mr. K. 0. Hunter, the chairman, was able to strike a......
" The Spectator" Crossword Second Series-no. 16 Ia Prize Of
a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword......
Solution To Crossword No. 15 Solution Nex R Week
The winner of Crossword No. 15 is the Honbte. Mrs. Home, The Tiled Cottage, Beaconsfield.......