Travel Notes
THE Cruise-Tour is a popular develop- ment of recent years by which shipping companies collaborate with railways and holiday centres for the benefit of visitors. You may have, for instance, a delightful cruise to South Africa, U.S.A., Canada, India, Ceylon, Norway, Sweden, Fin- land, and many other countries, to find, on arrival, that all arrangements have been made for you to tour the country of your choice, the whole holiday being planned at an all-in price. Tourist Agencies, such as Messrs. Thos. Cook and Sons, or Messrs. Dean and Dawson will, if necessary, plan a Cruise-Tour to meet your own requirements. Alter- natively, you can visit Scotland, travel- ling one way by rail and the other by sea, or by sea in both directions. The Governments of many countries, such as Canada, U.S.A., South Africa, India, France and Belgium have arrangements for the convenience of visitors which often include greatly reduced fares and special privileges. Such shipping com- panies as the Union Castle Line, Eller- man Line, Cunard-White Star, Royal Mail Line, Blue Star Line, Canadian Pacific, Orient Line, to mention but few, will be glad to help you if your pro- posed holiday comes within the scope of their services. Cruise-Tours may be of almost any duration. The Canadian Pacific Railway, for instance, offer escorted tours to Canada and the U.S.A. of from 3 to 7 weeks, all-in fares being from £49 Ion. od. The Ellerman Line suggests holidays of x6 days, six days being allowed for shore excursions at Madeira, the first- class return fare being £18: or one can continue the voyage to Cape Town, where you have five days ashore. The Cunard-White Star Line have a series of holiday tours of Canada and U.S.A. from 5 to 19 days, the rates being from £15 15s. od. (double room) to £58 123. od., single rooms at hotels costing slightly more. It should be remembered all sailings by this line to Canada and U.S.A. between September 25th and October 29th are now avail- able for excursion rate bookings. Another delightful holiday is the cruise up the Amazon, organised by the Booth Line. This cruise, inclusive of all shore excursions, costs from £60, and there are sailings on July I ith, August 1st, September 9th, &c. The Orient Line have a series of cruises to the Northern Capitals; Messrs Elder and Fyffes have Cruise-Tours to Jamaica; the Aberdeen Steam Navigation Co., Clyde Shipping Co., and Dundee, Perth and London Shipping Co. all have cruises to Scotland; the Finnish Travel Bureau have an extended tour of Finland with a duration of 21 days for £38 17s. od., another of 16 days for £27 105. od.; the Swedish Travel Bureau offer suggestions for a delightful Cruise-Tour through the Gota Canal. The possibilities are almost endless : the only difficulty is to choose which of these tempting holidays one would most enjoy, and that is a difficult choice indeed.