[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first COTTCCII 70111604 of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, lyuly 4th. Envelopes must be received not truer than first post that day and must bear the word " Crossword," she NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.] Ern kit-4, • •
1. Puss turns to it. (5.)
4. But still lodging to pay for. (9.) 8. " - first, the rest nowhere" (O'Kelly). (7.) 9. Waste is the very making of them. (7.) 10. It goes from hand to mouth with a bit of interruption. (4.) 11. Pauline, perhaps, but not Browning's. (5.) 12. Coupled by Tennyson with amaranth in a choric song. (4.) 15. Kept away from the lawn, poor men ? (5, 8.) 17. Nod at no critic (ann.). (13.) 20. A circular list. (4.) 21. The same note from end to end. (5.) 22. " When't had left me far away, 'would - and run again and - ' (Marvell). (4.) 25. Only aim to achieve this. (7.) 26. Equality in broken toes. (7.) 27. Gadget offerin. sound advice to any musician. (6, 3.) 28. What's happened to Tiler ? (5.)
1. It is not of practical application. (9.) 2. The broadcaster's profession. (7.) 3. Gratuitous ends. (4.) 4. Impudent as, say, James's Miss Miller. (5, 2, 1, 5.) 5. Convex authority. (4.) 6. Crowning glory. (7.) 7. The study'tl m confusion and needs attention. (5.) 9. Civility tends to disguise itse:f. (13.) 13. Linger. (5.) , 14. Or turn to iniquity on the bow. (5.) 16. Sarah takes wine. (5. 4.)
18. Confused with its twin ? Just silly. (7.)
19. " Daub their - faces unaware More and more from the first simili- tude " (E. B. Browning). (7.)
20. A genuine letter. (5.) 23. This area sometimes embraces the waist. (4.) 24. " Fame is the - that the clear spirit doth raise .. . to scorn delights " (Milton). (4.)