Nationalisation : Coal
SIR,—May I be permitted brief comment on Mr. Hobson's article of June 9th, which I found distressing and disappointing. I. Distressing, because the human element is entirely......
Expulsion From Israel
SIR,—In your issue of June 16th you make the rather astonishing assump- tion that the " policy of violent expulsion [i.e., of Arabs seeking to return to Israel from neighbouring......
Letters To The Editor
Mr. Dalton and Mecklenburgh Square SIR,—Mr. Dalton's decision to allow the destruction of the north side of Mecklenburgh Square to make way for the hostels to be provided by the......
The Spectator
SUBSCRIPTION RATES All subscriptions pro rata for 26 weeks. Send instructions with remittance to the SPECTATOR, 99 Cower Street. Lowden, W.C.1. Subscribers in Canada and U.S.A.......