This Tornado case seems to grow every day more serious.
Spain, it will be remembered, has released forty-five of the fifty-one sailors imprisoned, but detained the Captain and six men to "give evidence" for the captors. The seven have, it is reported, been brutally treated, and Lord Stanley, satisfied that their detention WRS illegal, on 12th March forwarded to the Spanish Govern- ment a peremptory demand for their release. To this it is stated Spain will refuse to accede, and the Times asks whether she is really prepared for the only possible alternative. The situation is in fact somewhat grave. No human being in England desires a war with Spain, but it is clearly impossible for this country to submit quietly to a violent wrong, more especially from a power governed as Spain now is. We trust the Spaniards will give way, at least so far as to propose arbitration ; but if not, we see nothing for it but the seizure of the Philippines as a material guarantee. A telegram of three lines to India will accomplish that.