Renders Her Liable To The Charge Of Being A "reactionary."
But there can be no reaction where action has never been, and as the political rights of persons of the female sex, with the exception of those of members of the Royal Family,......
Posmvism And The Spectator.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In attacks upon Positivism it is usual to attribute to it doc- trines the exact contrary of those maintained in the works of Comte. A......
SIR C. WOOD'S ADMINISTRATION OF INDIA.* THE Anglo-Indians will open this volume with the hope of finding in it some contributions to secret history, and will be sadly dis-......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your very interesting article in the current number of the Spectator, which I for one most heartily enjoyed, and with a very great......