77ie Eastern Liturgy of the Holy Catholic, Apostolic, and Orthodox
Church. Printed by authority of H.M.S.L. the Bishop of Iona. (Simp- 77ie Eastern Liturgy of the Holy Catholic, Apostolic, and Orthodox Church. Printed by authority of H.M.S.L. the Bishop of Iona. (Simp- kin, Marshall, and Co.)—This is a curiosity of religious literature,. whether we look at the title-page or the contents. H.M.S.L. the Bishop- of Iona, alias "Julius who is Jules," has given rise to so much contro- versy that he can scarcely expect these forms of prayer, which are taken alternately from various liturgies, to pass unquestioned. Some of the chief points to be noted by those who do not wish to argue, but to- observe, are that Evening Prayer precedes Morning Prayer, and that theCalendar is inserted in the middle of the service. -