The Little Scholar's First Step in German Reading. By Mrs.
Fel& Lebahn. (Lockwood and Co.)—This meritorious little book would have been dismissed in a line, but for its unconscious comedy. Let the two following extracts speak for the rest :—" A pions old man, who in a poor solitary hut lived, had a so great wisdom and sagacity, that he to every one good counsel and salutary precepts to give knew." "That had I not thought,' said he, that I on account of one single hoof-nail the horse lose should.' Slowly and sadly betook he himself on foot again to home, and sharpened from now on his children very often the saying into." The English reader of German, who has been tempted to indulge in such translations from levity, will be amused at finding them written down in sober earnest for the little scholar.