23 MARCH 1867, Page 23

Guide for Travellers in the Plain and on the Mountain.

By Charles Boner. (Hardwicke.)—If any man has a right to speak of the enjoy- ment to be derived from mountain travel, it is the author of aiantois- Hunting in Bavaria. His pictures in that book have dwelt in the minds of many who have never aspired to follow the chamois through its favourite ravines, and have never had the chance of posting themselves in the places where a herd is sure to pass. The present work is made up of practical hints for travellers in the less known parts of the Conti- nent. We infer from many of these hints that Mr. Boner writes of the Tyrol and Bavarian Highlands, rather than of Switzerland. But this will not make his book the less welcome, for a knowledge of Switzerland will not suffice for tine Tyrol and Bavaria.