We have received new editions of Dr. Pick's work On
Memory and the Rational Means of Improving It (Triibner); Dr. Lee's Ilomompathy and' Hydropathy Impartially Appreciated (Churchill) ; Alleine's Saint's Pocket Book (Tegg); Mr. Alger's Doctrine of a Future Life (New York, Wid- dleton) ; Mr. O'Glorman's Chronological Record (Lockwood and Co.); Dr. AbbottSmith's Hay Fever (Renshaw); The New Zealand Handbook- (Stanford); and Washington Irving's Columbus (Tegg).
We need only mention the names of The Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms, by John Collyer Knight (Longmans); Ancient Geography, by Roscoe Morgan, BA. (W. Allen and Co.); Search (Booth); Words for- Meditation during the Season of Lent (Emily Faithful° ; Sermons for the Day, by the Rev. Edward Hoare (Hatchard and Co.); and Australian, Gleanings (F. Alger.)