23 MARCH 1889, Page 15


[" In some of the United States, the local Congress does not most every year." —Barns.]

On for a year of silence ! Could we go Each to our quiet desk, or house, or field, And cease our babbling ; plough, and reap, and sow, And read old books, and ransack treasures sealed Of learning, writ in ages long ago !

Then let some strong-sonled Gordon take the field Of action ; while the masters, " they who know," Would ravage Time its honeyed stores to yield !

That were as dreamland ! Pulpit, senate, mart, Suddenly silent ; only Nature heard With her still music, or her prophet's word!

The while the noisy blusterer would depart.

Where men talk least, his year of grace to spend, To learn his ignorance and his manners mend !

A. G. B.