23 MARCH 1889, page 15


" HE PURGETH IT." NATIONS need sometime suffering : when our mood Is soft, emasculate, and fearing pain ; When indolence and torpor chill the blood, And insolence and bluster......

Toujours De L'audace !"

[TO THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Will you permit a grammatical observation on the title —the title only—of " A. G. B.'s " admirable poem in the Spectator of the 16th......

The China Famine Relief Fund.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —To-day, somewhat late, my attention has been called to your remarks of a fortnight ago in reference to the large expenditure upon the......

A Year Of Silence.

[" In some of the United States, the local Congress does not most every year." —Barns.] On for a year of silence ! Could we go Each to our quiet desk, or house, or field, And......

Compulsory Thrift.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." . ] Stn,—I do not know the exact particulars of the Crewe Pension Fund, but if the regulations are the same that obtain in some of the other......