23 MARCH 1889, Page 2

The attack on the Government was renewed again on Thursday

by Mr. Morley and Sir William Harcourt ; but the more it is studied, the more clearly it will be seen that there is really no case at all to be made against them for offering special advantages to the representatives of the Times which have not been also offered and promised to the representatives of the Parnellite Party. We feel perfectly confident that the readers of Thursday's debate will be much more likely to regard the attacks of the Opposition as purely dilatory and obstructive, than as really animated by sincere moral indig- nation, when they see how lame a case the Opposition leaders make out for their own self-justification. Mr. Bradlaugh's motion to reduce the Irish Chief Secretary's salary by £500, as a token of the disapproval of the House, was defeated by 275 to 211, after a debate in which Mr. T. P. O'Connor had to be called upon by the Chairman of Committees to withdraw a most utterly unfounded attack on Mr. Balfour for attempting to re-galvanise the charge that Mr. Parnell had really written the forged letters, and in which Mr. Healy had generally conducted himself as only Mr. Healy can.