The History of Pedagogy. By Gabriel Compayre. Translated by W.
H. Payne, M.A. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—The author is a Professor in a French normal school ; the translator holds an American chair of "the Science and Art of Teaching." Between them (the translator not only renders into English, but occasionally corrects his original) they have made a valuable book. The history of pedagogy—surely an odious word, which it was not necessary to use—supplies a subject which is as interesting as it is large. Education among the Greeks and Romans (the Roman chapter seems to us one of the least satisfactory in the book) are first discussed. Then we have a chapter on " The Early Christians and the Middle Age." Nothing, however, is said about the great educational movement of the later Empire,—the Universities, for instance, favoured or founded by Theodosius. From the time of the Renaissance the account becomes fuller. Here M. Compayre is evidently in a region with which he is well acquainted. On the whole, this book will be a useful contribution to a subject which is being taken up not by any means too soon.