The Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union issues in one volume
its Publications for the Year 1888. (Grafton Street, Dublin.)—A. very choice collection of deeds and words by the Parnellites it gives us. The friends of these gentlemen, while using the greatest liberty of tongue in glorifying them, vehemently resent anything like an accusation, because, forsooth, their cause is sub judke. But it may be allowed to quote a passage (gives? at greater length by our correspondent " D.") in which one of their journals dealt with Lord Spencer :—" He stopped at nothing ; not at secret tor- ture ; not at subsidising red-handed murderers ; not at knighting jury-packers ; not at sheltering black official villainy with a coat of darkness not at clapping handcuffs and convict jackets upon Members of Parliament," &c. These things were said, and have never been retracted. And yet he is their chosen ally !