The Irish in America are interfering with the Administra- tion
more openly than usuaL On Wednesday, a deputation from them waited on the President to say that they had not at all approved of Mr. Phelps, and wished for a Minister not likely to be moved from his Americanism by British flatteries." The President replied that that was his wish too, but that even if he chose one of them, he would probably, under the influence of English social life, be less acceptable to Irishmen at the end of his term than at the beginning. As Americans, who are more than 80 per cent. of the population, wish their Minister to represent the Union, and not only the Irish in it, this interference must be not a little galling ; and the President, who is said to be exhibiting a will of his own, which greatly annoys the wire-pullers, will probably take his own way, and having the Fisheries in his mind, will appoint some competent lawyer. Mr. Chauncy Depew, who had been fixed upon by general opinion, and who is said to be the best impromptu speech-maker in a land where every man can speak, has declined the appointment, and the President is fettered by some sectional considerations. New York, he is told, must not have everything, and Mr. Whitelaw Reid, editor of the New York Tribune, has already received the best foreign appointment in his gift, having been nominated Minister to the American Paradise, Paris: