Messrs. Warne and Co. send us a series of very
neat and handy volumes bearing the title of Cameos of Literature from Standard Authors. This is a "modernised and revised edition of Charles Knight's 'Half-Hours with the Beat Authors." By "modernisa- tion and revision" is meant the inclusion of extracts from authors who have risen into eminence since Charles Knight's time. Among those may be mentioned W. E. H. Leaky, K. Stevenson, G. Meredith, W. A. Dobson, Dr. jessopp, F. M. Crawford, Edward Lear. The selection has been made by Mr. Valentine, editor of the " Chandos Classics." It is in twelve volumes of two hundred and fifty pages each, capitally printed, and comes inclosed in a box. A. box is not exactly the way which we consider the ideal for keeping books, but it is very useful on occasion. The price- -CI is. for the twelve volumes—strikes us as being so moderato that we depart from our usual practice in order to name it.