Nieol Thain, Materia/isf. Millions And Milne.)—this Book,...
of "Thomas Wanless, Peasant," will be read, if only for the sake of its merciless realism. It would be difficult to conceive a more repulsive creature than Nicol Thain the......
Tales Of Crime And Criminals In Australia. By Henry A.
White. (Ward and Downey.)—This is an interesting though gruesome book, written with the authority of thirty years' experience of the subject of which it treats. Mr. White starts......
Flamborough Village And Headland, By Various Writers....
Fisher, M.A. (Andrews and Co., Hull ; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., London.)—This book is published in aid of the fund for rebuilding the tower of Flamborongh Church. Its......
The Watcher, And Other Weird Tales. By J. Sheridan Le
Fanu. (Downey and Co.)—The power possessed by the late Mr. Sheridan Le Fenn of summoning the eerie and terrible from the vasty deep of his own imagination was very genuine—quite......
Popular Lectures And Addresses. By Lord Kelvin (sir...
Vol. II. (Macmillan and Co.)—This second volume, appearing, as our readers will remember, after the third, com- pletes the collection of Sir William Thomson's lectures and......
In The Dozy Hours, And Other Papers. By Agnes Repplier.
(Gay and Bird.)—Miss Repplier has made her 'way with a speed to which it would not be easy to find a parallel in recent times, to the front rank of essayists. The sound sense,......