Flamborough Village and Headland, By Various Writers. Edited by Robert
Fisher, M.A. (Andrews and Co., Hull ; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., London.)—This book is published in aid of the fund for rebuilding the tower of Flamborongh Church. Its seventeen chapters tell us all that is to be known about the place and its history. One deals with the church, the outside of which is mostly new, though there is some Norman work in the interior (the tower fell early in the seventeenth century). The Registers date from 1564, but show a formidable gap in the Common- wealth time. The churchyard contains the grave of a centenarian (Catherine Major, who died in 1790, aged one hundred and four). Other chapters treat of the dialect, the antiquities, and the natural history of the parish. Altogether, we get an interesting volume, which visitors to Bridlington and to Flamborough itself should not fail to read.