Farcical facts
Sir: Your report on India, 'Thuggery rules', by William Dalrymple (8 December 1990) has caught up with me only now. The Indian political situation is farcical enough in all conscience. But I'm afraid your 'facts' about BJP are all wrong.
Mr Advani was born and raised in Karachi, Sind — not in Jhelum, Punjab, 500 miles up north. At the time of Partiti- tion Advani was 20— not seven. He does not wear a 'clipped Hitler moustache'.
Would our good friend Mr Dalrymple quote one word that is anti-Islam or anti-Pakistan, from the numerous speeches of Advani or any other BJP leader?
You have accused RSS of being re- sponsible for the murder of Mahatma Gandhi. If anybody said that in India, he would promptly find himself hauled up in court for defamation.
You have ridiculed the screening of Ramayana and Mahabharat on Indian tele- vision as Hindu chauvinist. For your in- formation Muslims, both in India and Pakistan, also saw the two epics with the greatest interest.
You have objected to Hindus wanting to build a temple on the site associated with the birth of Rama, now sporting a mosque. How would England react to German invaders replacing the statue of Nelson by that of Hitler in Trafalgar Square? A little understanding will do us all much good.
K. R. Malkani
Vice-President, Bharatiya Janata Party, 11 Ashok Road, New Delhi, India