23 MAY 1835, Page 9


Lord Mulgrave is taking measures to eject the Orange officials from

the Castle, and from places under Government. Sir Stuart Bruce, who has been forty years Master of the Ceremonies and Gentleman Usher, and who is known by the title of " Last of the Pigtails," has been dismissed. Sir Williain Gossett, and his chief clerk, Mr. Tay- lor, are about to share the same fate. Sergeant Green, Law Adviser to the Crown, has made way for Mr. Maziere Brady, a Liberal; Mr. Hudson succeeds Mr. Manley, Ex-Attorney-General Blackburne's nephew, as Assistant Law Adviser ; a vacancy in the Insolvent Court, caused by the death of Mr. Lloyd, will probably be supplied by Mr. O'Farrell, Chairman of the county of Kilkenny; who will be suc- ceeded by Mr. Guthrie. These changes have, of course, given great satisfaction to the Liberals.

Since Mr. O'Connell's announcement of his change of opinion on the question of Poor-laws, the subject has become just as popular as Repeal was three or four years ago. The tide of public opinion has been thus turned into a new and legitimate channel ; and, instal of wasting their time about a totally impracticable measure, the people are beginning actively to bestir themselves in favour of a legal provi- sion for the poor. Heretofore, the zealous supporters of the measure have been amongst those classes unconnected with political agitation ; but since the barrier presented by Mr. O'Connell's opposition has been


withdrawn, the question has made rapid progress amongst the great mass of the population. In a letter recently received from Cork, the writer says—" Poor-laws are now all the go, and Repeal appears to have been completely shelved ; ut all events no one says a word about it." In several parts of the country meetings to petition for Poor- laws have been recently held. In Dingle, county of Kerry, where great distress prevails, a meeting was held a few days since, and a sub- scription opened, for relieving the wretched pauper population, and preventing the visitation of so dreadful a calamity as famine among them." Even the Trades Unions of Dublin have taken up the subject, and are to meet to-morrow to petition Parliament in favour of Poor- laws._Thnes' Dublin Correspondent.

It appears from a census for Ireland, taken from the last return of the Commissioners, that there are belonging to the

Established Church 851,792 I'resbyterians 635,587 Protestant Dissenters 21,518 Roman Catholics 6,428,265
