23 MAY 1835, page 9


Lord John Russell was elected for Stroud on Tuesday without op- position; notwithstanding a feeble attempt by Mr. Ricardo, formerly Member for the borough, to annoy his......


The Inverness election terminated in the return of Mr. Chisholm ; the numbers being—for Chisholm 238, for Grant 240. It seems to be doubtful, however, whether Mr. Chisholm will......


Lord Mulgrave is taking measures to eject the Orange officials from the Castle, and from places under Government. Sir Stuart Bruce, who has been forty years Master of the......

It Was Rumoured On Monday That Lord Albemarle Had Resigned

his post as Master of the Horse, and it was hinted that his Lordship had been induced to take this step by want of courtesy on the part of his Majesty ; but the report was not......

Mr. Briscoe, The Lord Of The Manor Of Epsom, Over

whose pro- perty the races are run, has deputed a gentleman of great respectability at Epsom to receive the collections on the Downs, during the present year, and has authorized......