Ws: remember in our juvenile days a sort of provincial Ducrows who used to witch our village world with noble horsemanship sob Arp- i5l the open market-place. lt being impossible to prevent the ac- cess of non-payers, the perferniers were in the habit of' appealing to the spectators' generosity 11:: sending round a hat. The time selected for making this masel wns after admiration had been ex- cited by a skilfully-adjusted succession of feats of' dexterity and funny savings of 2c is. Merryman, rising to a climax of skill and hu- mour. Towards the close of' the company's stay, the hat was occasionally sent round ''for Mr. This" or " Mr. 'limn" Some weeks ago, the Scots/nos, in noticing the retirement of Mr. Roitrarr STEUART from (Alice, was most pathetically eloquent in enforcing that gentlemen's claims to some " permanent office." -We thought et the thee filet this looked very like " sending round the hat" for Mr. STI.esmr. Subsequent observation has convinced 11.5 that we WITO in the ii:Jtd. 'fliere can be no loftier copes in re- serve than O'CoNNEi,1:.; Reseed egitation—no broader joke than Hs grave proposel tleo the 0..!.ieen shell convocate an Irish Psrlia- ment in Dublin. Lord Joe s hi c .oss.'s lachrymose protestution to Lord SrasI,LI on Tuesdey evcning, that the members of his troop were not " under his control,"- seems prophetic of the disso- lution of the comp:illy. It is high time; for the audience has got tired of their psonhols. Of this they are themselves aware, and therefore the " benefits" have begun. " The lint" is sending round, in the first place " for i1lis Steuart."
P.S.—On She point of dissolution of' copartnery WC have been premature : " the last of the Steuarts" is to Im succeeded by " the Queen's Chimmion." It is only a change of' performers, not the close of' the season : it is an incidental bencilt.
*" I shall tell the noble lora, that if thoA, who mal,e the motions of adjourn- ment were edwitzle muhr rie.trel, .1 :.,hould. love taken care last year, when my right honourable friena tl,e Chanecllor of the ENeleqiner broujt in a bill, supported by Govern wont, Ilia' repeated adjournmenti, r,1101;b1 not have been moved."