23 MAY 1840, page 8

York Minster Has Again Narrowly Escaped Entire...

About nine o'clock on Wednesday night, flames were seen to issue front the belfry at the South-western end of the Cathedral. The alarm was given, and fire-engines were speedily......

Further Evidence Concerning The Murder Of' Lord William...

given yesterday before the Bow Street Magistrates. The witnesses were the cook and housemaid, Lord William's coachmen, Mr. Pector's coachman, the butler of Mr. Latham, who lived......

Zbe Robincrs.

Lord Melgund does not intend to offer hhnself again for Hythe; rea Mr. Stewart Manjoribanks is mentioned as the Whig candidate to sue- ceed him. Mr. HarInnd has announced his......

The Following Petition For The Admission Of Foreign Sugar...

the English market liar home consumption, has been no tueronsly signed by "wholesale and retail grocers, confeedoners, and others of Lyndon and its vicinity." It sets forth- "......

A New Church Is About To He Erected On Tlti

ickenham Common. The Queen Dowager's subscription towards it is 100/. ; the Duke of Northumberland's, 500/. ; Mr. Clay's, 5001.; and several subscriptions of 100/. and 15o/. are......

The Yorkshire Gazette Mentions " The Total Wreck Of The

barque Arcturus, belonging to Mr. Halt, of Whitby, and bound from Sierra Leone to Sunderland, with a valuable cargo of oak. On Sunday MOTn. ing last, when the vessel Wi . :S uir......