Zbe robincrs.
Lord Melgund does not intend to offer hhnself again for Hythe; rea Mr. Stewart Manjoribanks is mentioned as the Whig candidate to sue- ceed him.
Mr. HarInnd has announced his intention of retiring from the rem. sentation of Durham. He will not be a candidate at the next election.
About 4,000 of the power-loons weavers at Stockport have turned out against a proposed reduction of their wages ; and it is expected that upwards of 1,000 more will leave their employ at the end of the week.
The trade of Leicester is not so bad as it was, but generally the want of employment in the manufacturing districts continues to oceasin much distress.
A handsome convent is about to be erected in the vieinityof Birming- ham for the Sisters of Mercy. The convent is intended to receive twenty of the Sisters ; and also to accommodate thirty poor orphans, whom they will take under their care.
The Kent Herald states that Austin's Old BahnakciabteRenaneisstgaabtleisiwoh% to have been a very safe concern, and which
a century, stopped payment on Weduesday.
The Dissenters of Wymoadham, Norfolk, have been defeated in their attempts to postpcne a church-rate, by a large majority.
Lord Ward hut forwarded 200/. to the Worcester Diocesan Church. building Society : on the completion of the proposed plans 10,501 sit- tings will be gained to the churches in this diocese, of which 8,076 are free, at a cost of 4,640/.
The Lancaster and Preston Railway is announced to be opened on the 8th of J one.