The following petition for the admission of foreign sugar into
the English market liar home consumption, has been no tueronsly signed by "wholesale and retail grocers, confeedoners, and others of Lyndon and its vicinity." It sets forth-
" That tin importation of t:agar from the British possespions in the West Indies has decreased to the extent of .10,000 tons, as with the aver- age import of the felt comat. olive years from 1830 to IS311, nod 50,000 toes as compared with that of the preceding years, from 18:10 to lt:fte,* thus sltowing a constant diminution during a period of twenty years; and it is now asccr- 'Wiled that the deficit duri,,g the present season (1 (Stir) will bit much more important. That the cultivation of sugar in the Island of Mauritius, appears to have reached its maximum. That the eultivation of sivr in Bengal has advanced more slowly than was anticipated when the equalient ion of the duty with that of Colonial sugar took place. That the above tire the only descrip- tions of sugar admissible tot' the home consumptVn of the kingdom. That this supply is inadequate to the wants of the population, who ar, compelled to pay an extravagant price for an nut his of great hallo: I a nee in c.;I:,iary purposes, and essential to their colutrt ; and of which the use might Anost indefi- nitely extended, it' brought nit hin the menus of the lower tuul most extensive class aeon:muter& That a high price l'or sugar, therefbre, is au altement of the comforts of the mass of population, and a hindrance and curtailment of the operations of trade. That by encouraging a more extended use of an article so generally agreeable to the taste as sow, the consumption of tea, coffee, rice, itee., will he essentially promoted, and the revenue proportionably increased. That the stock of West India, Mauritius, and Bengal sugar out hand, does not exceed one month's consnmption, notwithstanding such sugar has ceased to be refined for exportation since October 1838. That the bonded price of foreign sugar in London is only one-half the bonded price of either of the three de- * See Ae.tottnts relating to Thole, Ste.--" Ordered by the House of CAMIMOLS to ho printed." scriptions of sugar admissible to home consumption ; and that it is equal, suitable for all the purposes to which Colonial sugar is usually applied. Til4 there is a stock of Foreign sugar equal to about 12,000 tons in the port of Lonso„, That under circumstances of a scarcity of Colonial sugar, in the years 1814 ant 1815, the produce of Martinique, Guadaloupe, St. Lustatia, and other isle* then warehoused under bond, was admitted to home consumption at the Bann duties RS British Plantation sugar. And your petitioners therefore hurnbk pray, that your Honourable House will be pleased to sanction the admission ta home consumption of other sugar than that of British possessions, at such 2 rate of duty as shall be deemed-fair and just."