r.%1ZT Or A eeenrac nese.eren Toe ovens 01' ENGLAND " raost pint (7111a1731: mi Nl."110N.S1111:S Al' CANTON.
" We 60:th that your country is distant front its about sixty or seventy thou- sand mile, ; I taut ,m sir foreign ships conic hither striving the one with the other for m, . trade, and for the. shop]," reason if their stroll:4 desire to reap a profit. Now, out of the wealth of our inner kmd, if we take a part to bestow upon. foreigners from afar, it follows, that the immense wealth which the said 14eigners amass ought properly speald »g to be portion of our own native Chinese people. Ily what principle of reason, then, should these foreigners send in return a poisonous &tag, which iniolves in destruction those very na-
tives of V."ithout meaning to say that the lilreigners harbour any
stall destruct mm intentions it their heart,,, y ct as:-ert, that from tladr inordniate thirst idler gain they are perketly careless about the injuries theylilt it upon us: and such being the ease, we should like to ask what has bss„ms 01 hit aeaei, tree: Whidi ilmmtvemt has in:iliallted ill the breasts of all
11101 ? "
:doreover. we hate heard that in London, the teetrepolis where you dwell, as alsamu S:otland. Ireland, and other suet' places, no opium whatever is Fo- amed. it is (tidy in sundry parts of a our subject kingdom of Ilindostan, such a, r mgal, Alab as, 13onthay, Patna, :'ilediva, Bemires, Mal llTa, and other pl,e,s, a litre the Lids are covered with the °pion-1.1,1mo, 'it here tanks are tie tiC for the priviring of the drug. :dotith by month and year by year time volinne of the podion increa,e,i; its tiocican stem it a,ectiils upwards, until lieu% en its,' fgroas angry, and the very gods thercat get indignant I You, the tausol sf the 110;10W1111112 ought intim:di:W:1y to have the plant in hest' esrts plucked up hy the very root. Cause the hod there to he hoed up aril.. I.; sow itt its stead the live grains ; and if any man dare again to plant ma hit: ge ummipla tt single poppy, visit his crime with the most severe punishment. Itc a truly benevolent 5)-Stem of government such as this will yon indeed reap advantage and do away with it source of evil. Heaven must support you, and the gods ;till crown you with felicity. This will get for yourself the blessings of long life, and from this will ktroceed the security and stability of .orr de,entimit," .
"Jet your Iligliness immediately upon the receipt of this communication in- form us promptly of Vic state of matters, and of the measures you are pursuing utterly to put a stop to the opium evil. Please let your reply be speedy. Do not on ally account make cactuses or procrastinate."