r re s are contagious. Without meaning an irreverent association of
ideas, it would seem that people grow insensible to outrages by repeti- tions, wheth:r oil the real or artificial stage. An inquest of musical jerymen (meld properly to sit upon the opens of Don. Giovanni, in con- sequence of die 'violence it »set with on Thursday evening; concernhsg which a cloud of witnesses might easily be produced, who would testify to the earelessuess of the persons to whose care tltis chef-d'cruvre of
Mots ter was intrusted. With eaalted hopes we went to listen as here-
tofore to its never-ending melodies, and to refresh the memory of past delights. Bid a wicked combination of " the trades" at her Majesty's Theatre effected a painful disappointment to the lovers of German music. With the exceetion of TA31131:1ONI alla LAI:LA(711E, all the singers be- tole...eel either incapacity or negligence. D-tnett Elton was a perfect ittilure ia the hands of poor Eiceseers Guts; ; who fell even below what tit; t■ ninny of managers had tdreatly taught us to endure in former repre- sent :tt i ves of that unfortunate personage. GlULIETTA Gins; was in a state of apathetic italiffereece as to the effect she might produce, and we never heard her to so little advantage. Bums; sang " 11 Inio Tesoro " as well as usual ; but his acting and singing-, with this exception, par- took of the prevailing languor of the corps. The orchestra was at sixes and sevens, and frequently lost sight of their functions as accompa- niments ; not beetling the time of die singers, but fiddling away me- chanically, and without attention. The place of the leader was supplied by the violin who habitually leads in the ballet-music ; who, again, de- volved on it brother bow the task of accompanying " Dell vieui alla fincstra; " to which, we are compelled to own, we listened with a me- lancholy sense of the superior way in which poor Mont used to perform this delicate morceatt. The trombones and other wind-instruments, which have to play the magnificent discords and resolutions to the Ghost, throughout spoiled the effect; we have heard better playing in the streets. PERSIAM'S singing and acting were alike tame ; and even
Vedrai carino " failed to move an audience every way disposed to recognise merit. LARLACTIB exerted himself to the utmost to redeem the imperfections of his comrades, and became moreflostenr than actor, to excite applause. But the whole affair was discreditable to the ma- nse:anent—orchestra, singers, and stage-band.
The thing digaelied by tlw title of' " ballet" succeeded ; wherein the eneaeing danseuse Mademoiselle esairro attracted lively admiration. I ler style is excellent : vigorous and elastic in her movements, with a large and free mathode, she imparts all the grace and charm of intelli- gence to time art, which her small dimensions admit of. As a mime, her qualifications do not appear remarkable ; but the plot of Le Lae des 1/is, as exhibited in this piece, is too meagre to furnish an accurate test, Mademoiselle CERITO is a decided acquisition to the theatre, and,
e trust, will iu time accomplish her destiny by becoming a first-rate datisetise. There are few in Europe ; and we should cherish the rare coi ale natioes which the character demands, if we wi uld. not suffix this Ie.:seise; art to be nambercd with the " lost."