Zbr StIrtropolis. At a r.:eet:itg of the Common Conned on
Thursday, ere freedom of the City was presented to Lord Sea t011, The Chansbcri..in, James
Shaw, delivered a complimentary mblress on the oceivien ; Lord Seaton returned an epprepriate reply.
.31r- Cockerel:. ola' the architects w ho PrePared Plat's fur this' Royal Exelituip•. t;p: t•urcd at the bar, and presented a veto to» complaining of hard treat .ot Ilse Building Committee; and prey ieg, that beibre the lUourt continued the decision of the Committee in favour of' his competitor, .\ Ire 'lite, that gentlebt an should he directed to prepare a model of Isis plan, to be exhibited toge'the'r with a model which he had nnule. A large maiority were disinclined to conq.ly with this isetition; and the eelection of' Mr. Tite's plan was approved of' by the Court.