23 MAY 1840, Page 9

A third (tests:itch front Colonel Wakefield ts-:•.s received by the

Directors of the New Zealend Cempany on Tuesday last. It was brought by a vessel direct from Holtianga, a port on the western side of the North Island ; and contains a detailed account of Colonel Wake- field's proceedings, as principal agent of the Cummany, from the 9th of October to the 13th of December tele ; togetlor with many curious and interesting particulars of the country and its inhabitants. Exten- sive purchases had been sonde from the tribes on either side of Cook's Straits, which Colonel Wakefield named North and South Durham, in the hope that " the day will come " when a " l3ritich population, avail- mg itself of the natural advantnees of these two provinces, will render them worthy of the muse." This despatch was printed entire in eight extra pages of the Camila/ Gazette on Wednesday tact; and was both informing and amusing in a high degree. Colonel Wakefield adheres to Ins plan of journalizing; which gives his narrative the iutereet op.) freshness of a book of travels, One of the curiosities of Colonel Wakefield's journal is the following "table of the population of the provinces of North and South Durham, and of the Islands of Kapiti and Mena, Cook's Strait."

eollccuye Name spo,i,d Mane Name of Place or ltesidonce. ni Tribe. of Tribe. Wanganni, near Cape Fare- well Pukatap Taitap, Blind Bay Ngatirtwa Nentiraruit Ingatitanm Ngatiawa Proper Knfla

Ilangitoto,ll'Urville's Island Katia Kuhn 50 AdnAralty Isles, and Oyerril Kafia

:Hirer 1 Hangitani, :Slaves ) t Katie 1 200 Manacuri 1200 Port Nicholson Ngetitama rItt Proir..-r 400 Ngatirocowa 1000 Panakidi 100 Wanganiii 1500 Noise

'Waitotera 200 Aitcranui 200 Tarana'ac 150 Ngalonta 50 vgallawa Proper 150

6500 (Karla Ngatirarua 129 Is 30 Total 6650 Number.

Ngatiawa Proper.. 90 Queen Charlotte's Soluel

and Tory Channel I ''' Pukatap

Ngat Mutt hi Cloudy Bay

Kali a

N gamed a 250 mot

:1,11,03ii :"V gat ita e i.licur.t 5°°

erar.n' Ng:ail:1111a Ohario, Cup Terrav: ate tigatittava Makarotawidi \ gat ia wa ... Thai Ngut iowa Pertrua

Nh-,; 11 :1:1":::a v

'Wail:anal Otaki vent:rot' ewe Alamovetti Katia

Waleganui, or Knowsley I „,..}anganal•

River W'aitotera Pa tea Waimatc Ilangitthipeki Otumatna 'Caranake ..`.1uturmi Isla:al a Taranake is:gat:an-a Manukuri River 'None Mokou Ngat iv it Ng etiawa

Aterenui LTarannke

None Ngat bin-a Nteranui 40 Ngatitoma 50

lent 1iti

Mena Kefia Kafia