23 MAY 1840, Page 9


We are informed that her Grace the Dutchess of Sutherland has re- signed the appointment of Mistress of the lobe.; to her Majesty, and that the Dutehess of Bedford is to be her Grace's successor.—Courier.

Prince Albert has presented Mr. Bishop with an elegant piece of plate in testimony aids approbation of the manner in which Mr. Bishop eonductul the concert of A 'select Music on the 29th of April, which was under the direction of his Royal Highness. The Prince's initials are engraved under a crown and au appropriate inscription.

We hear will deep regret that the Earl of Durhom has had a relapse, and is now quite unable to attend his place in the I louse of Lords. 'J 'hue nob'e Earl has not quitted his Is ease for the last three weeks. Ws physicians have reemumended his tithing the waters of Carlsbad : and, Walk to travel, he will go off, with Lally Durham and his tnntily, in about a aveene—Nerning Chrouicie. [Surly, tennitt " the lest three weeks," we have seen Lord Durham named in the Court Circular as a guest at one of the Queen's entertantments ?]

Lord Brougham is expected in town on Tuesday mxt. The Anti-Corn-law Delegates will reessemble en Tuesday, on the occasion of Mn', Villiers's renewed motion.

A letter from Lord DunfermiL,e has been published in Ow Caledo- nian Illercury, stati:Ig that his I.of&hip seci ito reneon to alter the ad- verse opinion of the Corn-laws he conneul in the House of Commons ; and whatever vote he may give, " shall be in fermis' of that measure which appears most sure to lead to the ultimate repeal of that law."