The Irish Judges have decided that a sentence of (hall passed on Women, Casey and Hartnett, convicted of murder at Cork, must be reversed, in consequence of a technical informality in the sentence. The mens' lives will lie spared. Thelligh Sheriff of Limerick has received a letter from the Govern- ment, desiring that the part of. the sentence by Judge Perrin against and Mrs. Holland, awarding f oiintry camfinement, be suspended net the decisions of the Judges shell be male on a writ of error taken in their esse.—Limeeiek Mon [These persuns were convicted of nen usage of two parish-appsen; ices.?
From the port of Drogheda alone, no fewer than 4:000 persons have taken their departure duriog the last six. weeks ; and on Thursday sen- uight, the writer saw no fewer than 22:: embarked in one eteam-vessel, nod to Liverpool, thence, chiefly to the United States. The fare from Drogheda to Liverpool is very low, only 2s. 6t/. It is celsidated that each person takes at least twenty sovereigns with hint : in that ease, something near 100,000 sore] vigils have quietly and nor ever left the country to become the medium of exchange in distant lauds. It was most remarkable to behold with what good spirits most of them left their native land; and still more so, the few, almost none, who were aged. The number of children, too, was very few.—Correepontkel ef Sc Leeds Mereuiv.