Sir Francis Heed has sent to the newspapers a letter
which he has addressed to Sir Robert Peel, on the Cenada Benito] Bill. Sir Robert, he resniuds lsisnm, gave his reluctant eonsent to the second reading of that bill on the ground that it was not prudent to oppose a measure so mussels desired by the Legislature and constituent authorities in Canada; but Sir Pranels thinks he will oppose the bill Is hen he finds, " that the assent of the Legislature and of the lint lie authori- ties had been fereol ; and that, instead of pen' having tl,,S.sited to the measure because the len alists of Upper Canada bad assented to it, the real truth is that they had been disheartened by its having been :le:laved by Mr. Poulett Thomson that you bad consented to it—in short, that they had followed you, instead of you 11,11111g, :is you intended to do, followed them."
In what manner Sir Free proves Ws a5...,rtion, does not appear.
He sent a pamphlet with the letter ; but them eays,
"I have felt it right to abstain in my pantrlikt .front nitrite!, into this part of the Tv stio» but I deem it only justice to you to bring it under your C011iti- aeration, as I am sure that if visa ut all see that you ha"- been deceived, yon will nut :Lis:prove of my ken% a:forded you the meaos of opposing the prin.- tilde of fleet teed iniasurc."