23 MAY 1868, Page 23

The Burden of Human Sin as Borne by Christ. By

the late Rev. J. F. Thrupp. (Macmillan.)—This volume will be read with interest as the posthumous work of an able and accomplished theologian whose premature death excited a very general regret. Mr. Thrupp seems to have held in the main the scholastic theory of the Atonement, but he states it with caution, moderation, and charity. These qualities, as well as the sterling human worth of the preacher, we are glad to recognize, though we cannot of course subscribe to statements which imply that the phrase "reconciling the Father to us " is more significant of the truth, than the language in which Scripture uniformly speaks of " man being reconciled to God," or to the assertion that in propitiation and reconciliation there was implied "a real change in the mind of God towards ns."