It Appears Probable That Wagshum Gobayze Will Be The Next
ruler of Abyssinia. He has conquered up to the Egyptian frontier, and has the strongest army in the country. He has refused Magdala, however, which Sir Robert Napier offered......
Cardinal D'andrea, The Most Liberal Member Of The Sacred...
died last week in Rome. So did Count Crivelli, the Austrian Ambassador, who was pressing the Pope to modify the Austrian Concordat. Both died suddenly, and both of " pulmonary......
Rome Has Had A Severe Blow In Sicily. The Islanders
are very superstitious, and it was supposed that they would decline to bid for the confiscated Church property. On the contrary, they buy it most readily, opening their hoards,......
The American Papers Report That Don Pedro, Emperor Of...
has announced his intention of resigning the throne. The report requires much confirmation, but it seems certain that the Emperor, is sorely tried. The war , with Paraguay is......
The Boundary Dispute Has Been Compromised, All Parties...
to refer the case of the towns in which there is opposition to a new Committee of five—Mr. Walpole, Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell, Mr. Whitbread, Mr. Austin Bruce, and Mr.......
The Letters From New South Wales Detail At Great Length
O'Farrell's atrocious attempt to murder Prince Alfred on the 12th March, near Sydney, and the passion of loyalty to which the attempt gave occasion. It would appear, if......
Mr. 1'. D. Acland, Member For North Devon, Made On
Tuesday a most able and painstaking speech, ou a novel but most import- ant subject, the absence of any regular Department of Agricul- ture. The aid of the Executive is required......
The Colonists, Outraged Not Only In Their Loyal But In
their hos- pitable feelings, by this base attempt at assassination, seem to have lost their political wits, and passed hastily through both Houses a mad Act to suppress......
The Mikado, Or Religious Emperor, Appears To Be Once More
the actual ruler of Japan, and his government is decidedly favourable to foreigners. The fullest reparation was offered to the British for a recent attack on Sir H. Parkes and......
The Republican Convention Held At Chicago Has Unanimously...
Grant for President, and has adopted a plat- form in which a refusal to repudiate is the most prominent plank. The Democrats therefore, with whom our mercantile classes......
Mr. Trevelyau Brought On His Motion To Abolish Purchase And
assign a fixed proportion of commissions to men from the ranks on Tuesday. We have noticed the debate elsewhere, but may remark here that the Liberals need no aid so much as......
Chief Justice Bovill Has Appointed His Son, Recently A...
of Dragoons, a Clerk of Assize on 1,0001. a year. The appoint- ment attracted attention in Parliament, and on Monday Mr. Childers inquired if Clerks of Assize had any legal......