The Consol Market has ruled very firm during the week,
and a gradual rise has taken place in prices. The very favourable har- vest prospects and the increased ease in the Money Market, together with the prospect of further considerable supplies of bul- lion from abroad, have given a hardening tendency to the quota- tions. Consols, for money, are 941, and 931, ex dividend, for the account ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 93k, ; Exchequer Bills, 5s. to 10s. prem. Indian Securities maintain the late advance. Foreign Bonds have been in active request, and the changes have generally been favourable. The Railway Share Market has ruled flat, owing to the unfavourable nature of the traffic returns, and prices have tended downwards. The Discount Market has been abundantly supplied with money, and, with a diminished inquiry for accommodation, the rate in Lombard Street has declined to II, per cent. for choice short paper. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now 20,788,063/.