* * The Liberals are pursuing Mr. Eric Gandar Dower,
M.P., to the death, or what they keeps on hoping will be the death. Under the heading " The Word of a Tory " they reproduce verbatim Mr. Gandar Dower's election address in June, 5945, with his notorious pledge, " If I .am returned I SHALL RESIGN WHEN JAPAN IS BEATEN and stand again at the By-Election, which will follow, so that YOU can decide whether you wish me to continue as your representative in Peace" nicely shown up in red. (The capitals, I gather, are Mr. Dower's own.) It looks very well in that colour two years after. So does another passage a little later: POLITICAL PROMISES.—There is an old saying that Political Promises are seldom kept. I shall endeavour to keep mine and request you to retain this election Address and, at any time, challenge me, if you consider I have not done my best.
The Liberals have retained the Election Address and are obliging quite adequately with the challenge.