Someone Just Back From Studying The French Army Gives Me
some interesting information about the rigours of conscript training in that country. Service is for one year, beginning at twenty, and every man, even if detailed for clerical......
The Death Of Sir John Fischer Williams Will Waken Many
regrets. For some years he had been out of active life, but those who knew him at the Bar, or as adviser to the Reparation Commission at Paris after the last war, or living......
Nothing Can Be More Laudable Than That Members Of Parliament
should do service wherever there is service to be done. One of them, I see, offers himself publicly thus: COMPANY DIRECTOR, M.P., seeks DIRECTOR- SHIP of established concern......
Hunger In Germany Here Are Many Long-term Issues Of Vital
importance to be T faced in Europe today. The dominant short-term issue, so dwarfing all others that they seem relatively insignificant, is hunger in Germany. That would be true......
* * The Liberals Are Pursuing Mr. Eric Gandar Dower,
M.P., to the death, or what they keeps on hoping will be the death. Under the heading " The Word of a Tory " they reproduce verbatim Mr. Gandar Dower's election address in June,......
The Appointment Of Mr. Henry Willink As Master Of Magdalene
is much more interesting than such appointments usually are. Like the retiring Master, Mr. Ramsay, and his predecessor, A. C. Benson, the Master - Elect is an Etonian, but they,......
* *
I have not heard for some time a more brilliant or devastating speech than Lord Samuel delivered on the Bankside power-station project in the House of Lords on Monday. The......
A Spectator 's Notebook
T HE interesting account in Tuesday's Times of the results of an enquiry into the position of the small local paper in America naturally provokes comparisons with the fate of......