Crossword 1431
Across 1 It's relevant stuff (8)
5 Subdues one character in Emma (6)
9 The cause of Selima's downfall (8) 10 Laurentian territory? (6) 12 The choosey kind who makes his mark (7) 13 Tom the groundsman? (7) 14 His comic art has nothing when there's no difference in colour (12) 17 Sounds of approval not to be expected by Brownies and Cubs (4, 8)
22 Adoring, might get tied up in knots! (7)
23 He gets what's left (7) 24 Fire! (6) 25 If I'm present there's an obstruction by the doorway (8) 26 Vegetables that must be approached with care! (6) 27 'And at their feet the crocus brake like fire, Violet, amaracus and — ' (Tennyson) (8) Down
1 Like Toby swotted away (6)
2 Reported that the bell was sounded? (6) 3 Demonstrates the thing is wrong (7) 4 Daydreams that may lead to pilferings? (12)
6 It seems paradoxical that tedium results if one should make a hole in the Benedictine (7)
7 If there 's an implication from Tom to Kitty that she's tardy he should make it short! (8) 8 Imitation jewellery from Ireland (8) 11 Yarn experts—of credibility? (5-7) 15 Downing the lusty ale? (8) 16 The Old Duke's carriage, please (8) 18 Summons to Downing Street is duly chronicled (7) 19 'In hearts at peace, under an — sky' (Browning) (7) 20 'What lasting joys the man — Who has a polished female friend' (Cornelius Whurr) (6) 21 A bodice wasn't quite all the virgin was wearing! (6) Solution next week Solution o Crossword 1430. Across: 1 Bonds- woman 6 Grub 10 Rhone II Tinder-box 12 Trounces 13 Parson 15 Brig 16 Beth 17 Ended 20 Lotto 21 Aims 22 Tiny 24 Tallow 26 Minutely 29 Reduction 30 Alloa 31 Duel 32 Kind hearts. Down: I Beret 2 Neologist 3 Sterns 4 Out-general 5 Anna 7 Rebus 8 Boxing Day 9 Related 14 Championed 15 Bolstered 18 Driveller 19 Morocco 23 Curate 25 Lodge 27 Years 28 Mimi.