23 MAY 1970, page 25

The Abuse Of Television

Sir: I'm surprised that George Gale (2 May) should show concern over the political affiliations of TV political interviewers. While the majority of this small band are......

Policy For The Environment

Sir: Colonel H. R. Pelly (Letters, 25 April) rightly criticised Mr Heath for not mention- ing the problems caused by the growth of population in this country, but, with respect,......

Who Teaches The Teachers?

Sir: Many people will share Rhodes Boyson's concern (9 May) about the present state of teacher training. Certainly there is a need for greater realism so that trainees learn far......

Red Hands Across The Sea

Sir: Mr Quintin Hogg's fair-minded and generous assessment of the situation in Northern Ireland (25 April) is sufficiently serious to warrant further comment than that so far......

The Dwarfs Of Lime Grove

Sir: One is continually shocked by the humourless pomposity shown by members of the 'new establishment' when one of their sacred cows is subjected to criticism. Mrs Yvonne Brock......