The evidence given during the present week before the Mon-
mouthshire Magistrates. shows that the Chartist combination was not only extensive, but that it had existed for a considerable pe- riod, and embraced mets of intelligence and property—of a class superior to that which has commonly furnished actors in mad schemes of sedition and treason. How for its ramifications reach is not yet ascertained, or what might have been the consequences of temporary success in Monmouthshire. It is certain, however, that the misguided Welshmen expected their example to be fol- lowed in sonic agricultural counties, and in the manutheturing dis- tsicts. It is worthy of notice also, that among the topics employed Sy FROST to excite his followers, was the cost of the Queen's House- hold, and the large sums of public money paid to Privy Coun- sellors.