23 NOVEMBER 1839, page 15


MRS. POSTANS is fitvourably known for her pleasant little work on Cote!' ; and these volumes on Western India will add to her repu- tation. Like her previous book, they are......

Fur Eowann Lytton Bi•livell Lias Been Led Into A Most

injudicious proceeding. By way of "Preface to the Fourth Edition of' the Stu Cap- tain," he has ventured on a critique on his own play, in - which, though he is " sensible of......

Spectator's Library.

Western India in 1838. By Mrs. Postal's, Author of" Cute);.' In 2 vols. Saunders and Otley. Pottiox, !Ivory of Guise • or the States of Blois. By G. P. B. Jaws Esq., Author of "......