On the 10th inst., at Kidbroke, Sussex, the Lady Comfit:mu, of a vlim4hter, still.
born. On the l h inst., at Itickmanswerth. Herts, the Lady of the Bev. FRE!‘FIV.1.11:.
VI.NPER. Mt ettir, of a suit.
OR the 011th inst., at the laaise of hot. !Miter. Joshua Bates, Esq., in Portland the Lady of N. N'a:s. inWEVEo, 111, Belt:1.311 Mitt our, a On the i5; It inst., the Lioly of the I km. W. E. FITZNIAURICF, 31 Lire 61.1:11,1i, If a sou. On the i;tii hist ,, in the Salist.nry, the Latly of Joins Mitts, 11:4(1., I:611-11110, Or 110011. C/1/ the 15th inst., at E.liti'.u.:;411, the Lily tiltA N LENAND71: M'Ett.t.,
of Colionsay, of it son.
On the t:lot lust., iii IteL:.1:t Square, the Lady of OEC,I1,)E a daughter.
On the::Oth inst., at St. Ci•etge's, lhat. Siptpre, re, Esq., 31.1)., of Dean losLe, neor Kitsil.,..1tott, to s es.VS (.1 .1 1ntiral lht,ry Bitynton, Ott the: 'JAI: inst., at St. tic..r.:e's, liativv; Sq ;are, ,•111hP
Palazzo Nu-% 13.1.,licse, R. ill,. to 3Ianv, ■tou,ltler ,..,1111..• late sh-r Esq., ntri ti:e Earl of Thatiet.
On the Itith inst., at Frattt, Captain W:11,TAN1 O'GRADY ITALY, 1-11c1( 1111 it, it ii to I ta. Castle, Sussex. to II.011.111:rrE I. it only teV 11...1.1cu, Esq., of El!. Grange, h the sante ewary. On 11,.. lid ult., at the C.:Ile:a:al, Bend .iv. ti 11, r.t.ract'N, 111.1,1.. hiFP.1.NCEs dat.,ht. r (.1. Ts, ta•ses:, itss, is Kitt, Kiil ura, On the ; 4Th ,, E. Esq., to M.v ANN. yt.a1,1,1J,..litatht,:r N:.1. •1:,.
It S.
;B.LL IV,,wtools,T;eland, Lerd I)r:fFtlitti, in his &Isl.
t ..; n Crcainds. tilsheestorsi.ire, Wit • ,•• Harms, he,. L.11 u-Avon, in his 1).,st
i Gott: it, lilt it, Alieldeenshire, in his ;thl; OE
..1 i111,1: • 1.t, 114.tst.1. ni.1 S. S. (1;, il..•
ill 123r'
• .. A. IV. •e, 31.1'. for