As we ventured to foretell, Governor TnomsoN has had a "fair welcome" at Quebec. Our proclamation of his policy came wet from the presses of the Quebec newspapers just before his arrival at. the Castle of St. Lewis. " The Merchants" and " the Magis- trates" have presented addresses to him which we shall scarcely offend their authors by describing as made of "soft sawder." If the new Governor was not hooted by any party, he was sure to be coaxed by all. His Excellency has this far replied with sufficient adroitness, having confined hineall; as in his proclamation on aasuming the government, to vague generalitio, which mean any thing or nothing. lie says nothing to any purpose, if we except a somewhat emphatic and very excusable assertion of his wish to promote the prosperity of Canadian Pail,. We sh mild not wonder if his reception had tl!rIT(':IblV di„appuinte,1 him, or at his having taken it into his head that the cub rubies of his trision were greatly exaggerated to bins hen,. 'let such a delus;on will not
have lasted till i any. Four coin open to him in the Lower Pnaiace, by one of NV111(.11 ef his getting well out of the serape. Putting class hum- bled to the dust and of no consequeace at Fr, so..t. he might either
play with the several parties among the !;:1:•..i is .7. care not to commit himself to any, holding as long as 1.. vague gene-
ralities in word and to abstinence fro el I ..!C(1:•:Ve neti0I1-113.
V.111(11 ease the rivalry of the par: (e-; iniobt 1;,r a time let bins rest in peae2, though it would at last lo;.ee Inni to side With the most iMportunate : or lie might side v turns with all the parties, so as to incur the contempt and hatred of all el:he : or be might miscalculate their relative P ire es. throw himself into the arms of one which app]: vi d the nee! ':enddanle but was far from being stronger them all ties ethers-ale. e,nsequenees whereof would or lastly, he alight Ib,,n all the ethers put aelelie opinion among ' • .t through(en the vi- set all the Teless the with the his ,...reptIled to that his iiabrination Il ea I accurate even a • s occurred since .1 other sources, aS wa.-; apprOaCh.. ,ent Lieu- .: appears to ,tatement is &ling t, j.I..ters with
s Province
• to get up an- sperate, be poor Pow ilpoud
(.1 1..ease, 11.1 'rh1
s. to conk'.
■ •.1 'Clit\.t.ttj'%‘11.7tatlre-
i: re-
, ueounter peoplo itihi Compact • Il 1.0 ''II i,lli5Cof ( T I. al .
ory "7, guilty 1.a1t1. ,
mcell 1111'\. C
C;M:ida. i.rovc called again eit1101'
tvili 110t get you out of till.: .• illistake, if a few Civil t1(1(11-.,.. a.d
troubles of Canada are ly-s • been led to believe.
. We would now eddress om. they who are Odell. to Walla. remain unsettled. The Q Canutla question the
Parliament. The utnaea spot will be of littk avail, it' ;Ie. be la erly as bad as if I disco+. er which per:: ,
tog,. thir—a filch I '
the Engli-h. i(.. e : toanships—elel t,.imt th.
leitsly in accordance v ethers at ("b.'IIVC, or rail. p.rsuit of ;1.. ir (IN "take .1 judg,ment t1.■ on the slat.: o, before he \volt on I.
TO the Views I' then. Th., I.,: di well as our eoli:;. :;... ;!
ing xvith the " have driven true, called " fort w:;!: r s r..
:.. ., be
di',, ...
ri‘ frem the s . . . "' I r(Nenge.
docA firant,55 1, t \silo may be the storns of a produced in
• . : never be :1 . II vl..kkuil.S. heart \ Math. so crest. a 1.) suppase tfiat the had preNiously * 'This papvr aproarod in traasfer it to the Spetofor as imbliention,---ct Cauadion nms,
rational -tinisio of M(. Ti eI 'anew. It is
• Canada still t raske the 1:.•• t ''s' 'a of t WI the not lay : aca we o :be later I. tlie only (the
aside their differences for once, and promptly concur in legislating for the future government of Canada according to the wishes of the great majority of the British race in the colony. What those withes are, will soon be known here, unless Governor Tito:users should split on one of' the many rocks which lie in his course. The colony will then be saved—or, if our information from various quarters deserves any reliance, lost for ever to England. The latter result should surprise nobody who bears in mind last year's proceedings of the two great parties here with respect to Canada.