' A correspondent of the Morning Chronicle says that the
late Duhe .cf : Bedford, Lord Holland, and Lord John Russell, were the only Mbig
• noblemen who subscribed to the Middlesex Registration Society.
• The funeral cortege of the late Duke of Bedford left the town resi- t dence of the Duke, in Belgrave Square, on Friday night, and reache.d
Watford on Saturday evening. his Grace's remains were interred in the vaults of Cheuies Church, near Watford. The procession Was met by more titan two hundred gentlemen on horseback.
On Saturday evening last Mr. R. Stephenson was entertained at a public, dinner at the Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street ; when a very magnificent service of plate, valued at upwards of 1,25o guineas, was presented to that gentleman. The plate had been subscribed for by railway contractors, (the subscription being limited. to that class, and the amount to 5/. from each person,) in token of their respect and es- teem for Mr. Stephenson's private and professional character and con- duct in bringing to completion the London and Birmingham Railway. The dinner was attended by aboot 200 gentlemen, including several eminent en,,,ineers, architects, railway-contractors, iron-masters, an t...entlemcn connected with -railway undeetaliings.—Dailil I 'opera.
Tht• denesits in the MarvIebone Saviogs Bank, which on the It Nevelei.ert a:IS amounted to I tfenIndt.,'had incretteed, on tile 211th of Nevel..! ;en lo.:;), to 211:3,:3:ird.
lay Chronicle is " satisfied " froln the eviod,:nee prodlo:!2'■
dv H out Farebrother (did hot hISS 3111:141:1!: ill the t e, hut on the contrary, " condcluned " the hissing, ei itt. t tm- co_mle:otatilv.