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Mr, Roby, of Rochdale, has received an invitation to stand, in con- junction with Mr. Rolling, in the Conservative interest at the next election for Bolton.—Blackhurn Standard.
It is repneted that Lord Alfred Hervey will stand for Cambridge, at the next election, with Mr. Manners Sutton.—Brinhtou Gazette.
A party of Conservatives dined together in Colchester on Tuesday. Sir Henry Smyth, the Chairman, proposed the Queen's health, in very cold and thronel language; but he enlarged on the Queen Dowager's "services to this country ; " and when loudly cheered, observed that those " expressions of feeling" showed that " Englishmen are never forgetful, are never unmindful, are never ungrateful, when they have been served in the manner in which that distinguished lady acted when she was Sovereign." Sir George said he was the "last matt to express an opi- nion :Igninst her illajesty," but it " horrified him to find that her Court, and her Privy Council, and her castle at Windsor, were almost sur- rounded by Catholics."
The Radicals of Falmouth sent a requisition on Friday evening last to Captain Pluturidge to come tbrward and contest the borommin in con- sequence of the vacancy caused by the elevation of Sir 1Z. M. Rolfe to the judicial bench. The gallant Captaiii however declined. A Con- servative is enpected in the field very shorily.-11-estcra Luminar,n.
The ander Chronic/e, a Liberal paper, contains a communication from Mr. Wilbraham, avowing a change of opinion on the subject of the Coro Ia vs -he has become convinced of the advent lges of the pre- sent systelo. Mr. Wilbraham voted in favour of Mr. Villiers's motion.
A meet lig was held at Devonport on Tuesday, at which nearly 400 electors i tended, to consider what steps should be taken to secure the elecCida of the Right Honourable George Dawson, who had re- turned :: lay rable answer to it requisition addressed to hint by a very
numercats of the constituents. The right honourable gentleman is expected Io arrive at Devonport oil Monday.-3/erning Post.
Mr. Rohert Peel, of Bonehill, Staffordshire, has Written a letter to
the "tririe;rie contradicting- a statement, e.Ipieol ittto that paper front tIle .:'ot..f'./o1st,ire Examiner, that the Tantwortlt Yeomanry Cavalry
had reins..., t drink the health of their Lieutenant-Colonel, the Earl of Lichfield.
It is said that Colonel Thomas, and other officers of the Army pre- Sent at a Conservative dinner at Ashton, where the Queen and the Government were unceremoniously assailed by some after-dinner ora- tors, have been called upon by Lord Hill for an explanation of their conduct on that occasion.