23 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 6

of the unusual activity that has lately prevailed in the

Woolwich Arsenal, from the fact, that a greater number of pieces of ordnance; chiefly brass, have been east within the space of the last four months tlran during the whole period of the seven years previous to that time."

A private letter from Toulon, dated the 12th instant, states that the corvette Egerie, which had been ordered by telegraph to hold itself in readiness to put to sea at a moment's notice, would probably be sent to explore the coast of New Zealand.—Couricr.

The Morning Chronicle yesterday published the following paragraph, without any explanation of the way in which the letter containing the ieformation was received-

" Oct. 21, Ha, Lat. 25. 23. N., Long. 33. 30. W. Extract from a letter bearing the above date: 'On Friday, October 12th, the rebels, 111 iii nit ether, flamed a conspiracy to murder the ship's crew, but fortunately it Wa, dis- covered in time. They were secured, and the ehip's company Mid soldier, hay.; been day and night tinder arms.'"

Business at Lyons, after having been very active during some days, has suddenly stopped. The news brought from the United Sattes by tile Liverpool steamer has occasioned that suspension in the silk trans- netions.—. Townal de"; Alba Letters received from I-Tolland on Thursday mention the f inure of one of the olaest bnnking-houses ia Amsterdam, that of Jean Nagel and Co. ; but it is supposed their debts arc not large, as their businesi has declined gradually for many years past.—Globe. The Antwerp papers report the great Belgian Railway to have tented out a very losing concern. Soort after it was opened, many persons travelled out of veriosity ; but since the fares have been raised the traffic hiss diminished so much as to leave an excess of charges over the reeeipts.