Queen Adelaide's v:-Its ta 'fury Leras and to Sir Robert
Peel, and the homage paid to hes ley the Tory party, provoked the following from the .11orning oi 1:1*.elticaley last- " One of the wa■ th y (hhe TosSes) thoterlit they could wound
the Queen was, atF.00•r t r s, to drink the Queen Dowager with deafening .tra.1.. I 1• le;rdlv resp•anled to the
• Isar shown once or tit ice, but '1 ore tyis' N' ini,takin;.:- the objet of part, and marbed enblue,,, if uot -
ii,;- iCes 1. ne person, Queen 1. the to her. * * * e e• s‘1:1! the Tories, 1- . • ; ..1:1;m1 which In-r is 11. • ( en. nt' the she hill :h...:cpt et: no - the es : scs front 1..1-c-tcrh.ire
s -lie entertains ;.:ritie:sins on sIrs's is: (Seam Vic-
:1 eh: th 1)iike of Pal:m:1a as one of the pa:ties
The Teri - a • •
moven:et:: • • her dew. "
Queen made the I from mete. 1,...
present oil the oecssiona the ceeeler,/ supposes that the Queen Du,vawer was nerely rei..ating Tete for really her Majt:sty ischarged with saying very little that aid not pas min'', of every reili.cting person in the country at that time, when the Qneen iris draggcd fr,,m theatre to theatre,
night after ttil,t and every nigitt e week, for the purpose, as it is now
fully ya,1 t trout her earlier and inure ettiet friends,
and fitsteniug the bedchamber 15.1.1.' up.n LT.'" The i'ory isewseepess—T•Ise.,, aae•absa Pat, ana Stan,lar,l, have in- dignantly deferdal the thavager from the alasee,ay Caroaiele's attacks ; denying thet her Majesty was seeking pepelesity when the people sought her ana eaaeriy t.-stifled their respect this her virtues. They justified her preference Conservatives, on the gr,Und of their
superior p ,triotiset tuel parr and avowed entire disbelief of the
Meraina areeashas Lislo,31 story.
toast of their Sove,.:_!:.
uniformly, with 11-c.11 this exage.aated h. :as • sped, ou the ether.
Adelaide, u1. ese She is ase : to
anti to .1. e, aer I,
prev :„ s es ii her.. , She c- I. the Its IL attei,t 1.55.551
1111111,1..,l t , I
is to of that e , honour Again ,511
" 1.1.:. with tt
in th,
the (se, Hs. VS it,
toria was her t. s , portunity or se tortured i-:•, s,. with tie: 44, true Mrs. tam,:
whether ho• . doubted she was a opera on it S .5 LI devotions. 11, ris
Isle annoyance to t!.
The sem, s)
"The tan, ,• deputaties -• : lteforree -